воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

beastie boys 5

In case yr unaware, ringo starr,�last minute�drummer and consistently least favorite member of�the beatles has told his fans (with peace and love) that he will no longer accept their trinkets or photos to scribble his alias on any longer. Mr. Starr says he is "too busy" and anything received after the 20 (oh shit, thatapos;s tomorrow, i better send in that�pete best�bobblehead now) will be "tossed"...not even sent back. Remember that picture you got of you and ringo as he was coming off stage and he begrudgingly stopped for 5 seconds so yr friend could snap a quick shot of yr happiest moment and�his uninterested mug? well i hope you have a copy cause youapos;ll never see it again thatapos;s right, itapos;s been tossed. Mr. Ringo does have a new album out, so i guess that does take up a lot of his time. After all these years itapos;s hard to write ANOTHER 12 songs about liverpool. The last thing anyone needs is fans tell you how great you are, or asking you for any of yr precious time (or letapos;s be serious, yr assistantapos;s precious time). Does anyone really think ringo himself is sitting and signing autographs all day? iapos;m sure he does get tons of mail, not nearly as much as sir paul gets, but probably quite a bit. And why is mr. Mccartney not threatening to toss yr memories? because paul mccartney is one of the best people whoapos;s ever lived and would not do that to his fans. He has the class to have his mail dealt with without having to shit on his fans. Hey...maybe ringo really is answering all his mail...why would he do this, really? i have a feeling itapos;s because ringo is the all time gold medal�winner�in coattail riding. Heapos;s�like phelps at riding those coattails. He came along and looked goofy like all the other beatles, sat on the bus and made the shows and ended up famous for what 3 other brilliant musicians created. Yes yes, ringo did write some of those brilliant songs...let me look through my beatles records for his credits. Hmm...

apos;donapos;t pass me byapos;, letapos;s take a listen...
well, i like that itapos;s credited to his real name, thatapos;s cute, but as for the song...apos;boringapos; is the first word that comes to mind. I can picture babies dancing around the room to it, so itapos;s got that going for it. Just seems a bit unnecessary. I moved the needle to apos;blackbirdapos; to soothe my ears. What else?
apos;octopusapos;s gardenapos;...
crap, i already know i donapos;t like this one. Also credited to richard starkey. I guess that was the only way heapos;d get his royalties. No longer cute.
oh no, those are the only songs he wrote. Iapos;m not even gonna mention the deeply nasal vocals he�brought to apos;what goes onapos;, apos;yellow submarineapos;, and�apos;with a little help from my friendsapos; because iapos;m a little tired of bashing the guy.

but iapos;m not a ringo fan, i never have been. Iapos;ve been very aware of the beatles ever since i was old enough to recognize music. I canapos;t say i ever said, "oh, they have somewhat adequate, if not unimaginative�drumming" or "i like the old one who looks like a weird fish" (not quite done bashing i guess).
there are, however, many people to whom ringo is #1. Marge simpson? thatapos;s the only one i can think of, but there are�quite a few�iapos;m sure. The problem is, ringy, yr slapping them in the face. I like a lot of bands, none so much that i would send them something to autograph, but if any member of these bands took a shot at their fans like starr has iapos;d be done with them. Music ainapos;t just about music sometimes and ringo doesnapos;t appreciate the people that appreciate him. Is charlie watts giving the apos;fapos; sign to his fans? does that jack daniels bass playing dude from van halen toss fan mail? i doubt it. But ringo, you didnapos;t really earn these fans and now you donapos;t even want them. You want their money, you want them at yr shows, you want them to sign up for ringo starr updates on their cell phone, but if they want an autograph we all know you just donapos;t have the time.

oh yeah, peace and love, peace and love.

all 4 one musical, beastie boys 5, beastie boys 5 boroughs, beastie boys 5 boroughs lyrics, beastie boys a cappella.

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