воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

abbotts cottage or

For this, I will forgive you.
Because in truth there is no error left here.
There are no laws of your heart or existence,
it seems thrown to any rag or rott these days-
And these days they are short.
Before time and in awe of it.

I will not forget all that was,
and I canapos;t ever speak,
what was your fate.
But never mine.
Can you see how I am living?
What a mess I have made of it,
I had sparks,
but I caved in,
and burnt down.

And now I swing between dawn and

remember-�you should turn the light off before leaving a room.
So I will.
And you would laugh-
Could it be I am caring again?

But Iapos;m different now.
I swore it and swear it still-
You speak ill without knowing my reasons.
I can still recite yours.
Itapos;s not sad,
Iapos;m not mad that youapos;re past this.
Your carcass, it breathes and it laughs in my recollection of you.
You had lemon scent and a way with your words.

But hey, we all change somewhat.

abbotts cottage or, abbotts connelly inventing jennifer, abbotts chevrolet, abbotts candy shop.

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